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To discover your inner self, broaden your horizons or learn about the finer things in life, check out our eBook collection by clicking on the netLibrary icon.

Before you can access the eBook collection, you have to first register for a netLibrary account.

You can access up to 10,000 titles of full-text eBooks in the areas of:

What is netLibrary ?
netLibrary is a web-based database that allows users to access full-text electronic books (e-books). An e-book is the electronic version of a printed book.

Is the NLB e-book collection for loan ?
Yes. You have to first register for a netLibrary account from NLB, or any of the National Library's multimedia stations.

Once you have an account, you can choose to read e-books online or download to your home computer (please refer to details in netLibrary).

A maximum of 2 e-books (except e-reference books) can be borrowed for a period of 3 weeks.

E-books that are due would be automatically checked in for you.

What are the types of e-books available ?
NLB e-book collection includes subjects such as:

  - Arts   - Finance   - Religion
  - Business   - Gardening   - Science
  - Career   - General Reference   - Self-help
  - Cookery   - Health   - Sports
  - Education   - Literature   - Travel