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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

211 BBC Sport Football

Provides information on the teams, statistics of the games and latest news on England, Scotland and European competitions, coming direct from BBC.

212 BBC Sports Academy

This website presents contributions by journalists from BBC Sports. It provides introductory information for beginners of a new sport, feature stories of individual sports and advice on healthy eating and keeping fit. Guidance on how to pick up nine individual sports is featured. Topics include basic skills, rules, jargon guide, training, equipment, and safety concerns. In-depth information is provided on these sports: football, tennis, cricket, golf, rugby, athletics, basketball and swimming.

213 BBC.com
(News & Media)

This website is one of the worlds most popular choices for information and news about world events. Contains the latest news on a myriad of subjects covering current affairs, the latest sporting results and lifestyle and music reviews

214 BBCi Health
(Health & Fitness)

An excellent website by BBC Online Health featuring health headlines from BBC news. The site contains information spanning a whole range of health issues with sections devoted to the health care of men, women, children and seniors. There are also lists of guides and tips to understand general health issues like nutrition, fitness, family health and travel health. Questions posed to “Ask the Doctor” are also answered daily and posted on the website. Air times of health-related television and radio BBC programmes are also highlighted

215 Beginners' Guide to Cryptography
(Computers & IT)

Anyone interested in word and number puzzles will find this website fun! It provides comprehensive resources that introduces cryptography to beginners, detailing the history and origins of this art of concealed secret messaging system. It also explains the different forms of cryptograph codes used through the ages, from classical to modern cryptography. Puzzles with solutions are provided and changed on a regular basis to challenge newcomers and regular visitors.

216 Beginners' Guide to Cryptography
(Computers & IT)

Anyone interested in word and number puzzles will find this website fun! It provides comprehensive resources that introduces cryptography to beginners, detailing the history and origins of this art of concealed secret messaging system. It also explains the different forms of cryptograph codes used through the ages, from classical to modern cryptography. Puzzles with solutions are provided and changed on a regular basis to challenge newcomers and regular visitors.

217 Beginners' Guide to Cryptography
(Computers & IT)

Anyone interested in word and number puzzles will find this website fun! It provides comprehensive resources that introduces cryptography to beginners, detailing the history and origins of this art of concealed secret messaging system. It also explains the different forms of cryptograph codes used through the ages, from classical to modern cryptography. Puzzles with solutions are provided and changed on a regular basis to challenge newcomers and regular visitors.

218 Beginners' Guide to Cryptography
(Computers & IT)

Anyone interested in word and number puzzles will find this website fun! It provides comprehensive resources that introduces cryptography to beginners, detailing the history and origins of this art of concealed secret messaging system. It also explains the different forms of cryptograph codes used through the ages, from classical to modern cryptography. Puzzles with solutions are provided and changed on a regular basis to challenge newcomers and regular visitors.

219 Beginners' Guide to Cryptography
(Computers & IT)

Anyone interested in word and number puzzles will find this website fun! It provides comprehensive resources that introduces cryptography to beginners, detailing the history and origins of this art of concealed secret messaging system. It also explains the different forms of cryptograph codes used through the ages, from classical to modern cryptography. Puzzles with solutions are provided and changed on a regular basis to challenge newcomers and regular visitors.

220 Beginners.co.uk
(Computers & IT)

Hundreds of professional online IT and softskills training courses are available for a variety of disciplines and skills level. On top of the chargeable online courses that you can sign up for, free online tutorials are available as well. These online tutorials range from entry-level texts on using word processors through to advanced techniques in web development/database design and networking routing.

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