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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

231 BetterPhotos
(Recreation & Travel)

This website is for budding photographers and enthusiasts with online courses as well as articles on photography, both traditional, film-based photography and digital imaging. It also offers top ten tips on photography and a Q&A section to answer your queries.

232 Beyond Discovery: The Ozone Depletion Phenomenon
(Science & Technology)

Find out what the ozone is, and how researchers discovered its role in Earth''s atmosphere and the devastating consequences of its depletion.

233 Beyond Indigo: Changing the way you feel about gri

We live in a society where death is considered a sensitive issue and not discussed openly. This site aims to offer some form of solace as well as advice for those who have lost or who are anticipating the loss of their loved ones. It provides an outlet for individuals to cope with their grief.

234 Bibliomania

One of the best literary websites so far. Bibliomania is a literary portal that not only allows you to read over 2000 classic world literature and classic non-fiction texts online but also provides extensive reference guides such as study guides, dictionaries and quotations. The books were selected by an Academic Board, which comprises leading literature professors from Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Oxford universities.

235 Big Volcano Ecotourism Resource Centre
(Recreation & Travel)

A comprehensive guide to ecotourism, ecologically sustainable development and general tourism and travel best practice management sites worldwide.


Movie reviews brought to you by the people behind BigO rock magazine.


Movie reviews brought to you by the people behind BigO rock magazine.

238 Bike Tours UK
(Recreation & Travel)

Motorcyclist enthusiasts planning a bike tour in Europe should check out this site. The author’s team of riders even includes his father-in-law! There are detailed listings on lodgings, motorcycle models for hire, rider specification (you must be over 25 years of age and have held a full motorcycle licence for at least 1 year; some larger models require an age limit of 30), places to visit and even a light-hearted guide to the United Kingdom for the tourist.

239 Billiards Digest Interactive
(Recreation & Travel)

This interactive Net magazine is the online version of the monthly paper edition. It features major tournament coverage, chatrooms, bulletin boards, and the Ultrasource with links to a wide range of billiards-related material.

240 bintan-resorts
(Recreation & Travel)

Need to relax and unwind? Why not go to Bintan Island? It’s not far from Singapore but it has a different atmosphere. Find out how to get there, accommodation available, what to pack, the history of the island, conference facilities and available activities.

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