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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

331 CeramicsWeb
(Arts & Humanities)

The SDSU CeramicsWeb is an experimental website for ceramics. It includes such things as databases of glaze recipes and material analyses, links to other ceramics websites, health and safety information and a variety of educational materials related to ceramics. The CeramicsWeb started life as the Ceramics Gopher - the first resource on the Internet for ceramic artists and that gopher server is no longer in service.

332 CFO.com
(Business & Finance)

Targeted at senior financial executives, CFO.com contains many useful articles with topics varying from e-commerce to HR and benefits to career advice. A list of tools and calculators are also available.

333 Chandra X-ray Observatory Center
(Science & Technology)

Gateway to the hot universe of black holes, exploding stars & Galaxy clusters. These people are untangling some of the deepest mysteries in the universe. Great education resources & quality galleries. A Top Pick for both achievement & content.

334 Channelnewsasia
(News & Media)

Brings you up-to-the-minute news on topics ranging from politics, finance, business and technology to sports and entertainment. Channel News Asia is created for Asians by Asians.

335 Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Off
(Science & Technology)

Contains information on chemical accident prevention and risk management. Includes CEPPO-related legislation and regulations.

336 Chemistry.org
(Science & Technology)

This site by the American Chemical Society offers a range of information on chemistry ranging from chemical and physical sciences news resources for professionals, articles for policymakers to educational articles for educators and students.

337 Chi-Am Daily News Homepage
(News & Media)

Web version of the Chinese-American Daily News, which was established in March 1990.

338 Chicago Tribune
(News & Media)

The online edition of the Chicago Tribune provides top news stories and articles on business, technology, sports, leisure and travel, and its archive is searchable by keywords. Free registration is required.

339 Children’s Book Awards
(Home & Family)

Here is “the most comprehensive guide to English-Language children’s book awards on the Internet.” Parents can visit this site to find out which are the award-winning books.

340 Children’s Express: News and comment by young peop
(News & Media)

Children’s Express is a website for a growing national news agency in the United Kingdom. The website contains the views of young people in the United Kingdom on topics and issues of interest to them such as education, environment, identity and race, and even on politics and government. The news articles on the various topics are researched and written by children/young people aged 8 to 18 years and are even sold to local and regional newspapers. The website also has a Story Library, which is an archive of the 523 stories that the Children’s Express has published to date since 1994.

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