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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

311 Candlelight Stories
(Education & Learning)

This is a good site for children, teachers and parents with many activities. Youu can choose to read the e-books, read original stories created by other children, cut out toys, find pen-pals, listen to stories, have an interactive discussion based on popular fairy tales, etc. Parents and teachers can even sign up for a free newsletter.

312 CARE Network

How magnanimous is our society in accepting reforming offenders? CARE stands for Community Action for the Rehabilitation of Ex-offenders which aims to support and help reforming offenders reintegrate with the society. From the website, find out what CARE does, read up on case studies, find out how you can volunteer your services as well as post an enquiry.

313 Caringonline

Caringonline contains resources about negative body image and the following eating disorders: Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating.

314 Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh: Children’s Games

Here’s a listing of gaming links for children provided by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

315 Carol Hurst’s Children’s Literature Site

This website of children’s fiction is constantly updated and its contents include reviews of great children''s books and recommended books pertaining to specific subjects such as Social Studies, Science, Maths and Art. You can also sign up for the free monthly email newsletter.

316 Cataloguer's Toolbox
(Education & Learning)

A good resource for librarians, this site by the Cataloguing department of North Calorlina State University allows you access to local cataloguing tools, including departmental policies and procedures and the latest production statistics, as well as resources from other internet hosts around the world.

317 Catcha Singapore

A comprehensive local website that is similar to Yahoo! There are links to 14 categories such as Business & Services, Government, Travel and Science & Technology. You can also find out about the happenings in town and the region, access movie schedules, search for a job, apply for a free email account and post free ads on stuff you want to sell.

318 CBS SportsLine

From CBS, this interactive website includes scores, standings, teams, player coverage, schedules and news for many American sports leagues, such as the NBA, the NHA, the NHL and the NCAA. Also has some international and other sports coverage, but is primarily a source for American sports information.

319 CCID
(Computers & IT)

The website is incorporated from the China Center for Information Industry Development under the Ministry of Information Industry. It offers a complete and comprehensive set of information services like IT industry planning, policy studies, market surveys, software testing, products R&D, software localization, etc.

320 Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association
(Science & Technology)

The Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA) is the international organisation that represents all elements of wireless communication - cellular, personal communication services enhanced specialized mobile radio, and mobile satellite services. It serves the interests of service providers, manufacturers, and others. CTIA distributes timely, factual and reliable information to members, policymakers, the investment community, customers and the news media on the latest policy and technical developments.

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