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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

321 Center for Technology in Government Homepage
(Computers & IT)

Designed to assist in the adoption of technology in government, this online resource centre has information on a range of technology issues, including: Building Interorganizational Knowledge Networks, Making a Case for IT Investment, Using & Sharing Information, Creating & Using Electronic Records, Managing Intergovernmental Projects, Delivering Services on the Web, and Designing Digital Government.

322 Center to Protect Workers' Rights

Research arm of the Building/Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO focuses on construction workers safety and health. Site has Hazard Alerts, Publications, and Press Releases.

323 Central Banks on the World Wide Web
(Business & Finance)

Alphabetical listing of banks by country, many of which have English translations.

324 Central Europe Review
(News & Media)

Award winning online journal, covering Central and East European politics and culture. Can search archives back through 1999.

325 Central Singapore Org
(News & Media)

The community development council of Singapore brings the Central Singapore community portal to you. Readers are updated on community/world/lifestyle news, events and services in Singapore.

326 Centre for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
(Home & Family)

A site by the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. It has a photo gallery, newsletter, news on workshop/conference/symposium, books & reports, guides to aquatic plants management, Aquatic and Wetland Plant Information.

327 CEO Express
(News & Media)

Links to many finance- or business-related websites. Not just for CEOs only, this website is a jumping-on point for anyone interested in finance or business. Also carries links to news websites and some miscellaneous sites.

328 CeramicsWeb
(Arts & Humanities)

The SDSU CeramicsWeb is an experimental website for ceramics. It includes such things as databases of glaze recipes and material analyses, links to other ceramics websites, health and safety information and a variety of educational materials related to ceramics. The CeramicsWeb started life as the Ceramics Gopher - the first resource on the Internet for ceramic artists and that gopher server is no longer in service.

329 CFO.com
(Business & Finance)

Targeted at senior financial executives, CFO.com contains many useful articles with topics varying from e-commerce to HR and benefits to career advice. A list of tools and calculators are also available.

330 Chandra X-ray Observatory Center
(Science & Technology)

Gateway to the hot universe of black holes, exploding stars & Galaxy clusters. These people are untangling some of the deepest mysteries in the universe. Great education resources & quality galleries. A Top Pick for both achievement & content.

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