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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

341 China Council for the Promotion of International T
(Business & Finance)

The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) is the most important and the largest institution for the promotion of foreign trade in China. Includes business news and information, laws and regulations and local investment information.

342 China Development Gateway
(Computers & IT)

The China Development Gateway is a comprehensive website by the Chinese government and the World Bank. The website aims to introduce the Chinese situation to the world and to share development experiences with other countries. The site also provides comprehensive information about China, development news, the economy, agriculture, trade, industry, environment, education, technology, social issues and IT.

343 China Economy: China Economic Information Network,
(Business & Finance)

Provides comprehensive economic news and market analyses on China.

344 China Education - Universities, Institutes and Col
(Education & Learning)

This website provides lists of Universities, Institutes and Colleges in China.

345 China Education and Research Network
(Education & Learning)

The China Education and Research Network is funded by the Chinese government and managed by the Chinese Ministry of Education. It provides information on major educational policies, special reports and education evolution in China.

346 China Electronics Information Network
(Computers & IT)

The website is one of the most popular internet portals for semiconductor business in China. It is a vehicle for disseminating information about current semiconductor technology and linking the industry to the world. It provides information such as “Key Facts of China Electronics” and “Key Events of China Electronics, China Electronic Market”.

347 China ethnic minorities

Facts about ethnic minority groups in China.

348 China News Digest
(News & Media)

Website of China News Digest International, Inc. (CND), a non-profit organization with a mandate to provide timely and balanced news coverage on China and China related affairs.

349 China News Services
(News & Media)

Provides news coverage on China.

350 China Online: The Information Network for China
(Business & Finance)

A US-based online news and analysis website which provides business information on China.

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