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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

1 @Computerworld
(Computers & IT)

Weekly news updates on IS technology. Includes white papers, regular columnists and a section on emerging companies.

2 “An Idea Café Map” to Starting a Small Business
(Business & Finance)

Contains a lot of information on skills that are essential for setting up a business. Includes topics such as business plans, business ideas and marketing.

3 10 Downing Street

The official site of the British Prime Minister’s residence is highly informative. The history of past and present prime ministers is documented on the website, especially on the revered wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Current affairs are categorised into various subjects with an emphasis on events in the United Kingdom.

4 100 Picture Books everyone should know

This website by the New York Public Library recommends one hundred children’s picture books for parents to read to their children. It also lists Award winners for children books, popular authors and illustrators.

5 1000 Traveltips
(Recreation & Travel)

Travel tips and travel information on different counties all over the world are available at this site. It contains useful information on health, medical emergencies, etc which is useful for travel. It is generally user friendly and easy to navigate.

6 164 Currency Converter by OANDA
(Business & Finance)

Provides current and exchange rates for over 164 currencies. historical exchange rates date back to 1 January 1990.

7 1QuestNet
(Business & Finance)

The largest online corporate database in Singapore, offering corporate, financial and industry information.

8 2002 FIFA World Cup

For all soccer fans out there, this site gives everything about the World Cup 2002 from statistics to screensavers. It also boasts of an extensive photo-gallery. It is a truly international site for this game that transcends race, religion and borders, as it offers mirror sites in Dutch, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, French and Spanish.

9 3D Ark
(Arts & Humanities)

3D ARK is a free on-line archive of quality 3D related content and resources for 3D enthusiasts.

10 3D Graphics/Virtual Reality
(Computers & IT)

This website boasts some 30 subject links on 3D graphics. It provides information on “VRML”, “Java 3D”, “MPEG4”, etc. It includes a forum, chat room, newsletter and articles for both discussions and information on the subject topic.

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