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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

31 About NSTDA : Overview : Establishment of Thailand
(Science & Technology)

NSTDA target is to improve production and services, as well as backing research aimed at commercial application. Three specialized centers - Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), Metal and Materials Technology (MTEC) and Electronics and Computer Technology (NECTEC ) come under the NSTDA umbrella. In addition,Technology Information Access Center (TIAC) provides on-line information services from important databases worldwide.

32 About-Sports

A directory for sports with links to official sporting websites and articles. There are also discussions related to particular sports. Their sponsored links are worth a browse too, for you never know what sort of interesting products you will find.

33 About: Interior Decorating
(Home & Family)

Want to add some pizzazz to your plain ceiling? Or redecorate your bathroom? Step right in!

34 Absolute Write

This is cited as a "one-stop web home for professional writers". The website includes information about writing fiction, nonfiction, comics, poetry, play, songs, greeting cards, freelance and screenwriting.

35 Access Excellence
(Science & Technology)

Access Excellence started in 1993 as a national educational program that links high school biology and life science teachers with researchers and online sources of new scientific information. Its “About Biotech” section offers information on bioethics issues in biotechnology, while the “National Health Museum” is a rich source of information on health and health science.

36 Accuracy in Media
(News & Media)

AIM is an American non-profit media watchdog looking out for ‘fairness, balance and accuracy in news reporting’ and its site offers a weekly column about the media (printed in over 150 US papers) as well as transcripts and audio versions of daily radio commentary on media bias.

37 AcmaBooks
(News & Media)

Flash-enabled website of a local online bookstore. This fully virtual bookstore is supplied by Ingrams, one of the biggest book suppliers in the United States, and does not have a corresponding bricks-and-mortar operation. The website includes lists of the bestsellers, new books, and a search engine that allows searching by topic or title.

38 Acronym Finder

An Acronym Finder that contains meanings for thousands of abbreviations, many of which IMHO (In My Honest Opinion, for the less-knowledgeable among you), will have you ROTFL (Rolling On the Floor Laughing). Some descriptions, such as that for SNAFU (Simultaneous Navy Army Foul Up), have been sanitized to protect the sensitive. You can also discover what is allegedly the world’s longest acronym.

39 ACTEIN Home Page
(Education & Learning)

ACTEIN - The Australian Capital Territory Education Information Network. The purpose of the Study ACT website is to provide easy access to information of interest to students thinking of studying in the Australian Capital Territory.

40 Acting Workshop On-line
(Arts & Humanities)

A place for aspiring actors and actresses to learn more about acting and the acting business. This site provides free acting and technique tips and information on non-union work opportunities, auditions and agents. This site contains an amazing amount of information and will certainly be enriching for those who dream of becoming a star.

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