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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

61 ALSC homepage: For parents and caregivers
(Home & Family)

From the Association of Library Services to Children, it is a good starting point for parents who need advice on guiding children on net safety to raising a reader. Recommended for all parents.

62 Alt-X

With a tagline that reads ‘where the digerati meet the literati’, Alt-X showcases some of the most iconoclastic voices and visions in contemporary art and writing. The ‘Black ice fiction’ features ‘degenerative prose for the hungry masses’. This is clearly a literary website of the future.

63 Alta Vista Translation Service
(Education & Learning)

Provides on-line translation of English word or phrases into French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish and vice versa.

64 Altavista Travel
(Recreation & Travel)

The Altavista search engine provides a section on travel that allows users to search for flights, car hire and hotels, around the world. Also allows one to search and book for discounted hotels.

65 Alternative Health News Online
(Health & Fitness)

An award-winning website that provides the latest health news, both alternative and traditional. There is also a search engine, links to other health-related websites and a list of recommended books. You can also sign up for the free newsletter which is delivered via email twice a month.

66 Alternative News Media
(News & Media)

This website provides plenty of alternative news sources on topics such as the war on drugs, politics and current events. The resources that are available from the website look beyond the surface issues and provide more in-depth analysis of the featured topics.

67 Alzheimer’s Society: Dementia care and Research

A comprehensive resource on dementia, this searchable website provides information on the various forms of dementia, its impact on families, caregivers and professionals. Included in the website are recommended reading lists, frequently asked questions from people with dementia, and more.

68 Amateur Softball Association of America

The Amateur Softball Association (ASA), a volunteer driven, not-for-profit organisation based in Oklahoma City, Okloahoma, was founded in 1933 and has evolved into the strongest softball organization in the United States. The growth and development of the association led the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) to name the ASA the National Governing Body of Softball, pursuant to the Amateur Sports Act of 1978.

69 Amazingmoms.com
(Home & Family)

This website is created by parents for parents. It consists of parent resources filled with ideas and activities. Included is a newsletter containing informative articles which families will enjoy.

70 Amazon.com
(News & Media)

An online bookstore where you can search, browse and purchase from a selection of 3 million books, CDs, audiobooks, DVD's , computer games etc. Also offers recommendations and reviews on books and CD albums.

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