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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

71 American Association for Artificial Intelligence (
(Computers & IT)

The AAAI aims to demystify artificial intelligence. This site has a very useful link to its frequently accessed pages. Other than conference proceedings and reports, online magazines and AAAI publications that its members can access, they are also eligible for scholarships and grants.

72 American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society''s international mission focuses on capacity building in developing cancer societies and on collaboration with other cancer- related organizations throughout the world.

73 American Hiking Society

The online resource for hikers, trails, events and other information. Read the journals of the trials and tribulations hikers go through. Tips on family hiking, a beginners’ guide, battling bugs and safety on the trail can all be easily found on the website. The website also highlights fundamental issues on trail conservation and other policies, to raise awareness of the economic and environmental sustainability of hiking.

74 American Libraries
(Education & Learning)

Carries news, as well as special reports, regular updates on library technology, and a column for the internet librarian. Online version of the print magazine. The official publication of the American Library Association.

75 American Library Association: Parent’s Page
(Home & Family)

Here’s a listing of over 700 websites selected by the American Library Association for children to surf. It also includes a section for parents on the selection of award-winning books and materials for children and teens.

76 American Memory
(Arts & Humanities)

This site contains more than 60 collections of America’s history, including Panoramic Maps, Portraits of the Presidents and First Ladies, American Sheet Music and Civil War Photographs. Visitors can search by keywords or browse the collection that is annotated and contains images that can be expanded for better viewing.

77 American Social Health Organisation:Answers to You
(Health & Fitness)

An informative site for both teenagers and parents on the subject of adolescence and puberty. The site is useful for parents too embarrassed to discuss the topic of the birds and bees with their children. Tackling the issue of puberty and its changes on boys and girls, the website provides facts and discusses issues like pre-marital sex, safe sex and sexually transmitted diseases. Encourages parents to be a reliable source of information to their teenage children and provides pointers on how parents can be supportive and not burn bridges of communication during such a difficult phase in teenage life

78 American Visionary Art Museum
(Arts & Humanities)

Located in Baltimore, the museum aims to build upon the visions set by Native Americans and "other similar journeys undertaken by visionaries in different times, cultures and places".

79 AMG All Music Guide
(Arts & Humanities)

A one-stop portal that tells you all you want to know about music. Includes information on different music styles from classical music to gospel to new age, brief biographies of musicians, music road maps, music essays and a glossary of terms. Also keeps you updated on new and upcoming music releases.

80 Amitav Gosh

From the author who brought us the magnificent story, The Glass Palace, this official website other than offering the typical biography and booklist of the author, also offers articles and commentaries by the author concerning current political and sociological issues. This will certainly shed a different light and perspective on this prolific fictional writer.

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