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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

51 Ain’t It Cool News
(News & Media)

Don’t be fooled by the presentation of this website. Created by studio-scooping film critic, Harry Knowles, Ain’t It Cool News offers opinionated but cutting-edge movie previews and reviews.

52 All About Trademarks
(Business & Finance)

Trademarks and trademark law are covered comprehensively at this site. Contains links to trademark law sites, specialised links for lawyers and other legal professionals, links to related sites (including but not limited to copyright, international trade and trade secrets). It also provides links to the home pages of a range of trademark attorneys and agents in various countries.

53 All Business Network
(Business & Finance)

The All Business Network has links to hundreds of online publications, business directories, job banks, accounting resources, professional reference materials, economic reports and other websites relating to business.

54 All Family Resources
(Home & Family)

The Quick Index is particularly useful in the navigation of this website. It will lead you to a wealth of links, articles and forums applicable for all family members. The topics covered are wide-ranging - literary, recipes, relationships, health, nutrition and money.

55 All Home ‘N Family
(Home & Family)

Looking for tips on how to care and decorate your home, how to improve on family relationships and to make a better home for your family? This site has all the information you need.

56 All Things Fishy

A local fishing enthusiast gives lots of tips and photos on keeping betta and fighting fish.

57 allAfrica.com
(News & Media)

Contains over 700 stories daily in English and French and offers a 400,000-article searchable archive. Features general happenings in Africa for a global audience. It contains a headline section, which is displayed according to countries. There are also links to prominent news and media corporations such as BBC and Radio France International.

58 AllExperts
(Health & Fitness)

Too shy to ask but you are just dying to know the answer? Worry no more as there is a site catering for people just like you. There is a rating system from peers and you can even view the ‘expert’s profile to check their credentials. The website has volunteers who provide answers to questions on a wide range of topics from arts and humanities to home and garden and health.

59 Alliance for Investor Education
(Business & Finance)

Aims to educate investors through a variety of tools found on the website itself, or links to member websites with relevant information for anyone who handles their own money. Updated irregularly.

60 ALSC homepage: Cool Sites for Kids
(Education & Learning)

This is an extensive website resource from the Association of Library Services to Children, providing links for reading, writing, facts & learning and games. A short annotation accompanies the web sites. Suitable for children of all ages.

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