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Internet Resources

Here is a list of links to useful resources on the Internet, grouped under the various categories. To access these sites, simply click on any of the categories.

You may also search for a specific Internet item by clicking on 'Search Internet Resources'.

11 3D-ARK
(Arts & Humanities)

3D ARK is a free online archive of quality 3D related content and resources for 3D enthusiasts.

12 4000 Years of Women in Science
(Science & Technology)

Created and managed by an astronomer and an astrophysicist (both female, of course), this site contains a list of over 125 scientific contributions by women, from antiquity to the 20th century.

13 4NewsUpdates.com
(News & Media)

This webpage offers one-click access to news headlines in various areas, such as Sports or Entertainment, as well as constantly updated news headlines courtesy of Reuters News.

14 4thegame.com: Barclaycard Premiership

Provides live score updates, results, full match reports and pictures for the Barclaycard Premiership, Champion League, UEFA Cup, FA Cup and Worthington Cup. You can also obtain information on your favourite team and read up on your favourite player. The statistics section gives you the top scorers, attendances, bookings by referees, player bookings and more.

15 6-Digit Postal Code Enquiry

Easy to use online postal code enquiry. Key in the street name and block or building name and the server will return the full address.

16 A Chinese Banquet

Introduction to the Chinese banquet, its common characteristics and ceremonies involved.

17 A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia

Cited as a well-researched site that provides answers to trivia questions like the longest word in the English language and words that are often spelt incorrectly.

18 A Dictionary of Slang

A massive dictionary of British slang. Contains common and decent ones such as ‘get hitched’ (to get married) to the profane.

19 A Digital Dreamer
(Computers & IT)

A graphic design resource that provides applications links to tutorials on Acrobat, CorelDRAW, Dreamweaver, Freehand, GoLive, Illustrator, PageMaker, Flash, Photoshop and many more. There are related links to design topics from colour, logo design, photography, print, scanning to typography.

20 A History of Shoes

Introduction to the "shoe culture". Footwear is an interesting facet of the many aspects of Chinese culture.

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